Renacci Applauds Columbus Schools for Staying Open, Despite Union Push to Shut Them Down


“This is a victory for parents and students, in a fight that should never have happened in the first place”-Jim Renacci, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate

46,000 Students in The Columbus City School district will have some educational normalcy in a brick-and-mortar school, despite attempts to push them back into remote learning.

The Columbus Dispatchreportedthat the Columbus Education Association had issued a petition to pull Ohio’s kids from in-class learning.

While Mike DeWine stayed mute, Jim Renacci made it clear that he will fight for parents and their children to go to school and learn in an environment that supports their physical and mental health.

Jim Renacci issued the following statement.

“Ohio’s students have suffered enough and the data shows that. Lower test scores, depression, increase in hospital admissions for mental issues are all affecting our kids across the state. Another round of quarantining our kids and isolating them from the social and educational aspect of a brick-and-mortar school day will be devastating.”

Renacci’s choice for Lt. Governor Joe Knopp added.

“I have seen firsthand the impact this has had on my own kids. They are socially stunted. They had shown signs of withdrawing and we said enough. Ohioans are not willing to stand by and let our kids suffer. This is why Jim and I are in this fight. Keep our kids in school!”

Renacci says Mike DeWine’s dormant stance oncalling out schools for shutting down, along with hispublic push for Ohio children to be masked 8 hours a day while in school proves that he doesn’t care about Ohio’s future. As governor, Jim Renacci promises to overhaul Ohio’s education system which is broken under the DeWine Administration.